Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1) Count on me – Bruno Mars


This song connects to me and my life a lot. Throughout 10 years of studying, I made a lot of friends and they are AMAZING!! After attempt here at AIS, friends are those who always beside me and they really made me laugh out loud! (Dedicate to LOL – C~bunnie). We went through a lot of ups and downs, we have fun, we share things that no one else ever knows, we care things that no one else ever care, and we love each other like a family. And I really like when Bruno Mars sang “You can count on me like 1,2,3; I’ll be there. And I know when I need it, I can count on you like 4,3,2; You’ll be there. And that’s what friends supposed to do, oh yeah!” I love to have fun with my friends – my bestest friends! THEY ARE SUPER FUNNY (Especially LOL, Jimmy and Anh). Together, we study and help each other… And that’s what friends supposed to do, right! This song means a lot to me, it connects to my life, friendship a lot. That’s why I love it so much! – Dedicated to Lucy, Foung, Celine, Anh (Girl)….<3

2) Little Brothers – Phineas and Ferb



Lyrics | Phineas And Ferb lyrics - Little Brothers lyrics

Since I was 3 years old, my brother was born. He was super cute and smart. But back then, I was SOOOO jealous of him because mommy and daddy always pay attention to him. I thought I was being ignored and they don’t love me anymore. Then, I realized, just because he’s small so mommy and daddy have to care for him. “Even when you break my toys, you will always be my little brother” – that line relates a lot to me and my brother’s memories. We fought, but then, still we made up. Now, even though I’m twelve and he’s nine, we’re still fighting and acting so childish! Sometimes, he’s being stubborn and extremely annoying to me and I was so mad that I would hit him! Yet, we are watching TV 5 minutes after the fight. Even though he’s immature, I still love him though and I know he loves me too. We had a lot of memories together and if he did anything wrong to me, I will never stop being an evil sister of an annoying brother like him!

3) Butterfly fly away – Miley Cyrus



Lyrics | Miley Cyrus lyrics - Butterfly Fly Away lyrics

Parents are those who have always next to your side and always support you when you fail. They are the one who never gives up on you and they teach you from the simplest thing to the hardest thing. “You tucked me in, turned out the light, kept me safe and sound at night, little girls depend on things like that” – however, I’m not young anymore, but also not that old, I still like to cuddle with dad. And my dad – who always care and concern for me, he wants the best and he did his best to make me feel happy every day life. He brings me happiness and he just plain amazing and he makes my life more interesting. I don’t know what I could’ve done without him. I’m feeling like the luckiest girl to have a father like that. He protects me and when I got good grade, he is always the first one to compliment me. I know sometimes I hurt his feelings by being mad and don’t talk to him, I know it was just the moment of immature and I always love him even if he didn’t afford what I want or give me the gift that I wanted. If anyone ever asks who the best man is, I would answer straight away that my father is the best! I will always love him the way he does! (; He leads me through a lot of challenges and he loves me for the way I am. I just simply love him.

4) Jet lag – Simple Plan



Lyrics | Simple Plan lyrics - Jet Lag lyrics

“It's getting lonely living upside down, I don't even wanna be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones, making me crazy” – it’s exactly what I like when trying to know the time zone: frustrating, confusing and all of that. I chose this song for my soundtrack because it’s like my family life and my friend connection. My aunties and cousins live half way around the world. They live in America and I miss them a lot. Every once a year, my cousins come back to Vietnam and last summer, I went to visit them. I spent only 3 days with them but those memories will last in my heart forever, like a tattoo. And now, when I’m in Vietnam and the time is so different and it’s difficult to contact. So is me and my friend – Foung, who’s one of my best friend, now in America, I always online at 11:00 P.M to talk to her. At least we’re still communicate; though, I talk to her every day, I still miss her because she’s so far away and I still remember the worst prank that I fell for. It was Tet holiday so Celine said Foung was back, but it was too late, I was on vacation too. I was crying because they said they FORGET to tell me! STAB AND TWIST!!! That’s why I hate to be so far away from the one that I’m close to. This song really tells my frustration of the time.

5) Fireworks – Katy Perry



Lyrics | Katy Perry lyrics - Firework lyrics

This song represents most of my personalities. I’ve never give up on something that I wanted. This song inspires me a lot; it brings my hopes up and reminds me that everything is possible if we try hard. Some of my friends are very shy and their dreams are just simply to be normal as everyone else. I saw people on the street, they are still having kind hearts, and they are very nice if we knew them. Everyone has a dream. I do too. I want to see people have a good life, a better settler. This song meaning is to let you shine and that we can overcome our fears and can reach to our dreams. When Katy Perry sang: “There’s a spark in you. You just gotta ignite the light, and let it shine”, I felt like there are energy in me. It makes me feel stronger and through the message of this song, I really want to contribute it to everyone else, that if they have hope, their dreams might come true or whatever your fear is, you’ll overcome it!

6) Stronger (What doesn’t kill you) – Kelly Clarkson



Lyrics | Kelly Clarkson lyrics - Stronger lyrics

I love this song because its meaning connects to my life pretty much. In my life, I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs, at the beginning of 6th grade, people started to talk ugly things behind my back but I didn’t care and “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” meant a lot to me. Even though it was a bad experience but everyone else would have been through it at least once and now, I know how to be strong and not to be afraid of my fears. My friends also got bully and I’ve supported them so much to make them brave and be proud of their selves after that experience. “Think you left me broken down. Think that I’d come running back. Baby you don’t know me, ‘cause you’re dead wrong” – don’t judge anyone by their looks, when you play with them, you’ll get it. That’s all 

7) Fashion – Lady Gaga


This song has a big connection to my life! I really like fashion and clothes. I and my friends have the same hobbies and one of those is shopping. I LOVE SHOPPING (like every girl does). I cannot live without it, literally. Since I was a little kid, I always wanted to be a super-rich woman so I can buy a lot of clothes. My mom and I often go shopping every weekend and now our closets are full! I think it’s unique when you look at someone’s closet and you went “WOW, that’s amazing!” People can make them look beautiful, but they are NOT ugly. I agreed with Lady Gaga when she sang: “A girl’s just as hot as those shoes she chooses” because shoes represent your personalities; as if you’re wearing a hip hop shoes, it means you’re cool and rock; and if you’re wearing high-heels, people can also think you as a gentle woman. That’s why I also love shoes! “J’adore, Vivienne, La vie et moi, Gucci, Fendi et Prada, Valentino, Armani too. Merde I love them Jimmy Choo.” – all the brand names she named in it, I love those all!

8) Billionaire – Travie McCoy ft. Bruno Mars



Lyrics | Travie McCoy Feat, Bruno Mars lyrics - Billionaire lyrics

I want to be a billionaire, so freaking bad…” It’s my future begining, I guess. Because when I was a small kid, my mom told me that, firstly, you have to focus on studying and when you grow up, you have a job and money, you can buy everything you want! My target is to be a successful business women, I’ve planned on it since I was in 5th grade. My mom and my dad are also a business woman/man. When I grow up, I want to be like them, and maybe even richer. I have a lot of hope and by my family supporting me, I’m going to have a healthy life like my parents and I will take care of them till the rest of their life. To be a billionaire is all what I dreamt about. As long as you have money, people will welcome you to any shopping mall, and you can be on magazines, be famous. I’d love to be a billionaire.

9) Mom, it’s your birthday (I Love you mom) – Phineas and Ferb



Lyrics | Phineas, Ferb And Candace lyrics - Mom, It's Your Birthday lyrics

My mom and my dad were the one who gave birth to me. I’m one of the luckiest girl in the world because I’m now having a good wealthy life, going to a private school… I have everything I want, and don’t have to tell, my love for my parents are plenty and it will last forever. My mom is the one who literally concern about my studies and she even cares from the little one to the big one. I love her with all my heart. She did a lot to me, sometimes I was being mad at her because I found her annoying but I know she’s just care for me. I’m feeling guilty to talk to my mom about my school’s stuff because she would only care about learning and grades. Since my last birthday, we celebrated it at America and hers too. Her birthday was on July 15th which is later than mine 5 days. I appreciated all what she did for me, and my mom also known as “The-Greatest-Mother-in-the-world”. 

10) Pray – Justin Bieber

Video :


Lyrics | Justin Bieber lyrics - Pray lyrics

“I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight. Am I a sinner? ‘Cause half my dinner is still there on my plate.” When I first listened to this song, I really thought about the unfortunate kids who are in Vietnam. And I flashed back to my family, seeing I, me, myself who is wasting half of my dinner when people all over the world fighting for resources. I think we do need to make some changes now because the world need our help – little help, big hearts, we can improve what is happening all around the planet since each of us, spend only a little of what they have for the unfortunates one. This song connects to my life because half of the population of Vietnam is poor. I’m feeling lucky and as the same time sorry because I get to live a wealthy life but some others don’t. I wanted to help the community, people who are poor ARE NOT bad! They just don’t have shelter and no money to go to school. When we’re doing something, we have to think about others. And I did make some changes. I know how much I can eat so I told the canteen staff to put back half of my meal because I cannot eat that much rice. We should really start making some changes.

Monday, March 19, 2012

11) Young, wild, and free – Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa ft. Bruno Mars



Lyrics | Snoop Dogg lyrics - Young, Wild And Free lyrics

My English 7F is a super-class where all “genius” attempted! We are in a whole another level. My class is so weird, as long as Ms. Patrice stayed normal and still poking on us, as long as we are not humiliated, but until she found out that, we’re only shy when she compliments! That’s a bad sign to us…This song connects to my teenager life because we always have fun and we don’t care whatever people say that we’re hyper or crazy, instead we love to hear those “compliments”. We play hard but also work hard. “So what we go out, that’s how it’s supposed to be! Living young and wild and free!” I really like that part because we are living young. *le Jimmy, *le Bunnie, *le Anh… *LE ME love having fun! Of course everyone does right? Maybe *le Patrice too? =]]

12) The lazy song – Bruno Mars



Lyrics | Bruno Mars lyrics - The Lazy Song lyrics

“Today I don’t feel like doing anything. I just wanna lay in my bed!” – best description of me, myself when the human-laziness toke over my entire body. Everyone… I think most teenagers are… lazy!!! Sometimes, we can be super lazy like if someone asked you out, you just say straight no! I’m lazy too, most of the time, when my parents tell me to do something, I just have an excuse that I’m sleeping and when I wake up, I have to do my homework. I’ve figured it out that… It’s kind of mean if you do that, but… who cares!! This song relates a lot to my personalities and my lazy-life. I always stay up late and wake up late. On the weekends, I usually wake up at 11:00 A.M. That became my habit since I was a little kid. Once, when I was too lazy to go to school, my dad have to carry me to school. I was freak out so I’m no longer dare to not attempt at school by an excuse that I’m too lazy. And also, when my father told me to do chores, I said i’m tired then he pretended to say that he was about to ask me to go shopping. Straight then, I’ve never been too lazy in front of my dad :D. My hard-to-break-habit will last forever, I guess.