Wednesday, March 21, 2012

4) Jet lag – Simple Plan



Lyrics | Simple Plan lyrics - Jet Lag lyrics

“It's getting lonely living upside down, I don't even wanna be in this town. Trying to figure out the time zones, making me crazy” – it’s exactly what I like when trying to know the time zone: frustrating, confusing and all of that. I chose this song for my soundtrack because it’s like my family life and my friend connection. My aunties and cousins live half way around the world. They live in America and I miss them a lot. Every once a year, my cousins come back to Vietnam and last summer, I went to visit them. I spent only 3 days with them but those memories will last in my heart forever, like a tattoo. And now, when I’m in Vietnam and the time is so different and it’s difficult to contact. So is me and my friend – Foung, who’s one of my best friend, now in America, I always online at 11:00 P.M to talk to her. At least we’re still communicate; though, I talk to her every day, I still miss her because she’s so far away and I still remember the worst prank that I fell for. It was Tet holiday so Celine said Foung was back, but it was too late, I was on vacation too. I was crying because they said they FORGET to tell me! STAB AND TWIST!!! That’s why I hate to be so far away from the one that I’m close to. This song really tells my frustration of the time.

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